

How Smart Are You?
1. You’re participating in a race. You finally overtake the second person. What position are you in?
2. And if you just overtook the last person, then you are…?
3. Some very puzzling arithmetic! This must be calculated in your head only. Don’t use a calculator or even paper and pencil for this. Add 40 to 1000. Now add 1000. Add 30 more. Add 1000. Now add 20 more. Add another 1000. Add 10 more. What is the total?
4. Mary’s father had five lovely daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono… What’s the name of the fifth daughter?
5. A mute person goes into some shop to buy himself a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing his teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and manages to buy it. Then a blind man comes into the shop and wants to buy a pair of sunglasses; how would HE indicate what he wants?
Answers to the quiz:
1. If you answered that you’re first, then you’re absolutely WRONG! If you overtake the second person and you take his place, YOU’RE in second place.
2. If you answered you’re second to last, then you’re WRONG again. How can you overtake the LAST person?!
3. Did you get 5000? It’s not very accurate… The correct answer is actually 4100.
4. Did you Answer Nunu? No! Of course it’s incorrect. Her name is Mary. Read this question again!
5. It’s very simple, really: He opens his mouth and ask for it…

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    和围棋一样,黑白棋也遵循着“金角银边草肚皮”的金科玉律,因为四个角上的棋子是永远也不会被吃掉的。因此,如何领先对手占据更多的角,成为了游戏制胜的关键。在上世纪 80 年代,有一种非常流行的解谜游戏叫做“占角谜题”。顾名思义,在一个占角谜题中,你的目标就是在规定的步数内占领其中一个角。下面我选择了六个经典的占角谜题,题目下方的“Black in 2”就表示黑棋先走并在两步内占据一个角。如果你经常跟电脑玩黑白棋的话,估计你常常会无助于电脑在最后关头运用强大的边角判断能力下出的几步让你陷于无解之境的好棋。现在,报仇的机会来了——解决了这几个占角谜题后,你会发现自己也能掌握令对手感到无奈的边角判断能力。


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  我把今天一下午加上一晚上的时间都花在了这个 Flash 小游戏上。这是我所见过的程序设计类 Puzzle 游戏中最好玩的一个。它是真正意义上的程序设计游戏,游戏不但提供了完备的读写和流程控制功能,甚至还引入了随机测试数据。游戏很快就会引入算法的思想,因为玩家渐渐会发现,这些谜题并不是单靠模拟就能解决的;后面的谜题则越发困难,需要相当有技巧性的算法设计,对脑力绝对是一个大挑战。如果你热爱算法与程序设计,你一定会爱上这个游戏的。
